Research In Event Studies

Figure 1. Library. 2025. Stock Images Microsoft

During Week 3, studying ‘Research Methods 1 – Primary and Secondary Research in Events Studies’ gave me anxiety because I lacked a structured approach. I gained more confidence after reading ‘Research Methods 2 – Research for Industry’ where I learned that academic and work-related research involves qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thinking back on when I was at my booth at Comic Con earlier this year motivated me to create a questionnaire using these two approaches to determine what top three things attendees spent their money. I also wanted to capture overall attendee satisfaction.

I need to mention I have just begun my journey in practicing my research skills as an important part of my CPD. After watching Hearn’s interview with Dr. Vern Biaett (2021), I learned how important it was to apply what I am learning to the real-world. Biaett encourages learners to do community volunteer work to practice experiential learning. Therefore, I’ll be applying this survey to future Comic Cons after I perfect it. According to Gibbs (1988), personal feelings can influence a situation in which you are engaged in and also how you reflect upon it. In my case, curiosity for discovering spending habits was the spark I needed. 



Shipway et al (2025) states that the strained relationship between qualitative and quantitative research is a thing of the past, and it is widely accepted in academics that the two approaches are complementary. I would agree as a mixed-method approach will give me valuable insight into spending behaviours at Comic Con using such questions below:

  1. How much money will you spend (%), or have spent on autographs/photos, food, and merchandise?
  2. What is your overall satisfaction with the celebrity autographing experience?



Overall satisfaction was driven by differing opinions. Attendees spent the most money on celebrity interactions.

Based on assumptions entered into Excel, attendee spending reveals the following:

Figure 2. Catabas. 2025. Pie Graph created from Microsoft Excel


Primary Research is about collecting original data directly through various methods like surveys, interviews, experiments, and gathering firsthand information. This questionnaire would help.

Secondary Research:
  I plan on finding existing data from one of the Comic Con administrators to compare results. If data is unavailable, my questionnaire can be used in their primary research.  



Even though we can gather data using various research methods like the above, research data isn’t always available. Mair and Weber (2019) states that the level of research devoted to investigating events/festivals cannot keep pace with the industry’s rapid growth, but the last decade has shown a significant interest from the academic community. Because of these challenges, event researchers and practitioners are having difficulty identifying existing knowledge and any research gaps. 

I may find the same obstacles in my attempts to root out insightful data. This could be a bottleneck in my research activities.


Figure 1 Library. 2025. Stock Images Microsoft

Figure 2. Catabas. 2025. Pie Graph created from Microsoft Excel



BIAETT, Vern. 2021. Interviewed by Clare Hearn. ‘In Conversation with Vern Biaett’. [Online interview]. Available at: [accessed 25/02/2025].

GIBBS, Graham,(1988) Great Britain. Further Education Unit. ‘Learning by Doing:  A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods’. FEU.

MAIR, J. and Weber, K.(2019),”Event and festival research; a review and research directions”, International Journal of Event and Festival Management, Vol. 10 No.3,pp.209-216.


SHIPWAY, Richard, Leo JAGO and Marg DEERY. ‘Quantitative and qualitative research tools in events’. In Page, S. & Connell, J. (eds), 2012. The Routledge Handbook of Events.